Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Odd Remark of Brentano

Sadly, the time has come to replace Michael's serious research post. That's Robert Brentano in the title, of The Two Churches, a study of England and Italy in the Thirteenth century. Not terribly exciting, but he did furnish me with an odd, humerous quote:
p. 229: "And although the thirteenth century was not the golden age of the relic, Thomas Aquinas, lying on his deathbed at Fossanova, thinking his last syllogism, can hardly have been unaware of eyes contemplating his body, minds thinking what a splendid relic he was about to become."
Scotus's feast day approaches, so I'll try to rustle up some poetry in his honor, or at least a prayer. I promise not to post on various oratorio's or comedies (yes, that's right...see Schafer's Bibliography for details) composed in his honor.

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