A new special issue of the journal RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA has come out, an issue devoted to the topic of natural theology.
Here are the contents, which contain two essays of direct interest to scholars of Scotus and Scotism:
Garrett Smith, "The Natural Theology of Nicholas Bonetus."
Alberto Frigo, "Même la Trinité: Descartes, Pascal et Saint-Ange"
Gabriel Meyer-Bisch, "Usages et fonctions du concept de «cité de Dieu» dans la première philosophie de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Uses and functions of the concept of City of God in the early Leibniz’s Philosophy.)"
Pietro Terzi, "Involution and the Convergence of Minds. The Philosophical Stakes of Lalande’s Vocabulaire"
Olivier Boulnois, "La teologia naturale, Duns Scoto e la deduzione a priori della Trinità (Natural Theology, Duns Scotus and the a priori Deduction of the Trinity.)"
Édouard Mehl, "La Puissance et son nombre, d’Abélard à Kepler"
Jean-Christophe Bardout, "Prouver sans démontrer. Malebranche et la Trinité"
Gualtiero Lorini, "«Diversa Theologiae naturalis systemata»: Christian Wolff’s Ways to God"
Enrico I. Rambaldi, Patrizia Pozzi