Friday, November 8, 2019

Festum Scoti

Happy feast everyone! I am too busy to post anything, but feel free to post celebratory comments in the combox!


Anonymous said...

Happy belated feast day!!! Thank you for this amazing blog. Although I was drawn to Scotus via theology (thanks to Fr. Peter Damain Fehlner), I have started paying attention to his philosophy as well. For instance, Robert Koons recently gave a talk about form and matter, and its relationship with quantum chemistry. Towards the end he brought up the issue of individuation and the thomist solution (signate matter and order of priority), which I didn't find convincing. Over summer I read Efrem Bettoni's book and Trent Pumplon's article on Scotus. I have much to learn. Any advice on what books* to read would be great. I also re-created a little prayer for the canonization of this great and holy friar:

It is taken from an official prayer but I shorten it (I hope that's valid) because John Henry Newman is now canonized. May God bless you, always!

*I plan on learning Latin beginning late May, so Scotus's untranslated works will have to wait.

Jim Given said...

This (Nov 8) is my birthday. The fact that Duns Scotus died the day I was born is strictly a coincidence.

Martin Todd said...

Hi niice reading your post

Levi H said...

I'm looking forward to reading your festive posts.