Tuesday, August 2, 2011


According to this NEH pdf, The American scholars who are going to be editing Duns Scotus' Reportationes have won their grant; this is excellent news.

Also, on the same announcement, Rega Wood has won funds to edit Richard Rufus of Cornwall's Scriptum super Metaphysicam.

Finally, I would like to call our readers' attention to the current volume of the ACPQ, which is devoted to Bonaventure. There is a nice variety of articles to delight the reader, from textual studies on the De reductione to engagement with Milbank and contemporary theology.

1 comment:

Michael Sullivan said...

Excellent news indeed! Hopefully it won't be too many years before volumes start to appear.

I'd like to check out the ACPQ; perhaps I'll remember to look it up when the semester starts and I'm near a big library again.