Here is the table of contents:
John Duns Scotus's Reportatio Parisiensis
369 - 376: Introduction
377 - 438: "John Duns Scotus's Reportatio Parisiensis Examinata A Mystery Solved"
DUMONT, Stephen D.
439 - 469: "Scotus in Paris. On Univocity and the Portions of the Soul"
439 - 469: "Scotus in Paris. On Univocity and the Portions of the Soul"
GORIS, Wouter
471-492:" Problemfall Univokation. Die Univokation von ens reale und ens rationis im Kontext der Reportatio Parisiensis I-A"
471-492:" Problemfall Univokation. Die Univokation von ens reale und ens rationis im Kontext der Reportatio Parisiensis I-A"
"John Duns Scotus's Reportatio Parisiensis and the Origin of the Supertranscendentals"
"John Duns Scotus's Reportatio Parisiensis and the Origin of the Supertranscendentals"
SMITH, Garrett R.
539 - 560: "Die Willenslehre des Duns Scotus im Spiegel seiner Schriften und im Lichte seiner Schüler"
539 - 560: "Die Willenslehre des Duns Scotus im Spiegel seiner Schriften und im Lichte seiner Schüler"
MÖHLE, Hannes
Thanks, Lee, for posting this. I'll have my library order it. I'm particularly interested in your article about the origin of supertranscendentals. I've been following my doktovater, John Doyle, on this subject and looking into the progression super transcendental doctrines makes in Jesuit scholasticism. The obvious authors are Fonseca and (among Dominicans) Soto who call attention to the doctrine but do not give names of authors who support it. Claus Andersen pointed out to me that the earliest reference to "supertranscendentals" he has found is in Pere Dagui's treatise on differences. Does Scotus himself use the term "supertranscendental"?
Hi Victor,
ReplyDeleteI did just see the announcement of your article on the subject; perhaps we should trade via email? anyway, I am not sure of the earliest use of the term. It is not in Scotus. My interest was in the claim whether being is univocal with respect to esse reale and esse rationis. There has been some debate whether Bonetus is a supertranscendentalist, since he answers in the affirmative. I basically argue that Scotus proposes a 'via' that seems to endorse the claim, a via whose ultimate status is unclear, but that this had little immediate impact before the 15th c. Bonetus never alludes to it. One can find some discussion of the esse reale/ens reale problem in early scotist authors, but they are not interested in supertranscendentals as such, only in delineating the scope of univocity. So, I basically think there is no connection between scotus and scotism and the supertranscendentalist talk. Scotists tend all to deny it.
But that being said, one can find various authors affirming a univocity of real being and being of reason soon after Scotus, such as Harclay (1313), and Hervaeus attributes it to Scotus in his second Quodlibet, which was then picked up by Auriol, and Auriol made his way into capreolus, so Scotus has been associated with the claim for a long time. There is also an anonymous text that might be Wylton holding the claim, and its probably in marchia as well. But none of these people use the term supertranscendental. Anyway, that's basically what the article is about: the non influence of Scotus.
Sure, I can be reached at salas[dot]victor[at]shms[dot]edu. Scotus's account of the relationship between univocity and the esse reale/ens rationis distinction remains a fascinating area regarding supertranscendentality. I think there was an essay not too long ago in the ACPQ (by a Dominican if I remember correctly) who addresses the second Quodlibet issue. In late Jesuit scholasticism it seems that the relationship between ens reale and ens rationis is one of gradual convergence. First, they are held in definite opposition (Suarez), then both are included in metaphysics (Hurtado and Arriaga), then both are located under an analogical concept (Lynch) and eventually under a univocal concept. It's a fascinating trajectory.
Coming soon, and probably of interest: