Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Feast of Scotus, 2017

Happy Feast, dear reader(s)!

For your delectation today I post a poem from a manuscript of the Ordinatio. Naturally, there are variants with the text as found in other manuscripts, but here is the one from Cesena (printed in Vat. ed. I, p. 50*).

Scotia plange, quia periit tua gloria rara,
Funde precem, confunde necem, tibi cum sit amara.
Quam fera, quam nequam sit mors, tribuens tibi legem
Cum reliquis aequam, rapiens ex ordine regem.
Caelum, terra, mare nequeunt similem reparare.
Si quaeras, quare, - probat haec editio clare.
Troia luit florem de viribus Hectora fisum,
Sic luo Doctorem iuvenili flore recisum.
Ergo, legens, plora, quia non huic subfuit hora,
Sed ruit absque mora: pro quo, lector, precor, ora.


  1. Thanks for this. Happy feast day of Duns Scotus!


  2. Does a non-Saint like the Blessed Duns Scotus in fact have a Feast Day? A traditional Catholic posed this question to me and I can't find the answer.

    I am no stickler. Nov 8 is my birthday (which I do NOT celebrate); and Duns Scotus Feast Day (which I do.)

  3. On this point, Wikipedia seems rather accurate (drawing from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia): A beatus certainly has a feast-day, and has a papally-sanctioned cult within certain churches (in this case, the Archdiocese of Cologne and the Franciscan Order), but, unlike a Saint, the feast is not universal.

  4. Obviously this is a very late comment, to say the least - but is there a translation of the poem for those like myself who can't read Latin?

  5. I will try to add one.
