Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Reportatio IV Now Available!

There is a new Scotus publication from Franciscan Institute Publications!

Now we have a working text of Reportatio IV from Oleg Bychkov and Trent Pomplun.

Publisher's description:

This book, gives the reader, both in Latin and in English translation, a solid working text of the Examined Report of the Paris Lecture of John Duns Scotus, known to scholars as Reportatio IV-A. 


  1. And only $190!!!

  2. Hey, but at least you get the whole of book IV for the price, not just six distinctions as is often common with the Vatican Edition.

  3. If only people cared...*sigh*.

    Say, I seem to recall reading here that Scotus' line of argument for the existence of God in the de primo is basically culled from the Ordinatio. Would it also be found in this volume? Also, if one wants to do work on that bit of argumentation, is it more academically kosher to go to--wherever it is in the Ordinatio?

  4. Yes, Balic even gives a percentage somewhere. If you want the parallel passage, you would have to go to Reportatio I d. 2, ie. the first of the other two volumes published by FIP and ed./trans. by Wolter-Bychkov.

    Depends on what you mean by Kosher. Few people seem to use the Wolter-Byckov edition, but since the official critical edition may never appear, and there are no critical reviews of Wolter-Bychkov, there are no academic grounds to reject it.

    If I had time, I could transcribe the mss. for you, but here we are. Note that Wolter previously published the same text with Adams in Franciscan Studies.

  5. "Culled" might be too hasty a term. He spends a rather good chunk of time in De Primo explaining Essential Orders and drawing 16 very important conclusions. The argument which follows explicitly dispenses with the Ordinatio "actualist" start (which gives it the feel of a cosmological argument) and moves straightaway into the metaphysical argument for the Triple Primacy of the First Being. He then gathers a host of attributes the First Being necessarily possesses, including simplicity and unicity, two which are not included in the question on whether the God does in fact exist (unicity is proved in the very next question).
    I like to look at both the Ordinatio and De Primo proofs. They differ enough to be interesting separate reads. For instance, the Ord version has 7 proofs for unicity, but De Primo has only 5 and slightly altered in a place or two. Fun stuff nonetheless.

  6. Want to write something up for the blog, Credo?

    If not, I understand; work for free, pearls before swine, etc.

  7. Yes, sadly I haven't been keeping up my end around here. Due to the need to find paying work, my love affair with scotism has lately become a long-distance relationship.

  8. Yeah.. I still need to come up with that article on the existence of God you asked me about some time ago. It seems that I should be able to spit it out pretty quick after that Symposium in North Bend we were at, but the publication version is running well over 30 pages, and that is too long for a "Fundamental Positions of Duns Scotus" posting. Much like Sullivan, my full time work being completely unrelated to Scotus or anything related to philosophy is somewhat a hindrance to doing that. My love affair is also a long-distance relationship. But the summer is coming. I should be able to spend time and whittle it down to post size for the blog. I'll send you the pre-pub version and we can discuss what needs to occur for the blog.

  9. Well, please keep alive the flame of love, guys.

  10. I don't know if you've mentioned this already on this blog but there's a new Scotus translation coming soon:

  11. Unfortunately, the volume turns out not to be all of book IV. Vol. 1, part 1 is distinctions 1–10. Vol. 1, part 2 is distinctions 11–17. That would correspond roughly to Vivès vol. 23, pp. 531–657, and vol. 24, pp. 1–289, for a total of 416 Vivès pages, leaving 272 Vivès pages. So we can expect a vol. 2 which can be published in one part.

  12. Pardon my math error: it actually leaves 688-289=389 pages. Thus, we can expect Reportatio IV-A vol. 2 to have two parts, and if we're lucky, a glossary and/or index (vol. 1 has neither).

  13. There is a glossary in the translation of the Quodlibet that was done by Wolter, which is probably decent. Plus the Vatican commission is preparing various kinds of indices that will take up a volume or two in the Opera omnia series, that in the end includes the Lectura and Ordinatio. Such are the vagaries of History.

  14. The five volumes of philosophical works published in the USA are considered to go with the Opera omnia, which makes its breadth a bit more, but many works are obviously missing.

    I recall another glossary in one of the volumes of Reportatio I-A, which bears a fair resemblance to the one in the Quodlibet translation. However, since book IV contains many topics not treated in those other two works, a glossary treating these would probably make Reportatio IV-A more approachable. However, I don't know the editors well enough to know if they can match Wolter's work.

    As for the index, I was thinking just of an index of topics and authorities in Rep. IV-A, without going to all the effort the Scotistic Commission (or what's left of it) has made. Their index counts as one volume (XV), because that's the space reserved for it, but it is in two parts, of which the first has already been published. There's a description in Italian on the website of the Commission:
