Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The End is Nigh!

According to, there are no forthcoming books on Scotus. Not quite the end, I suppose; I was at a conference a week ago and saw a sample copy of the massive Newman-Scotus reader, so stay tuned!


  1. It's there!

  2. Ave Maria!
    It is also available at a special price on the publisher's website:

    FULL DISCLOSURE: My order is the one who published it, I am assigned to work with our publishing apostolate, and am the current webmaster of the linked-to website.

    Ave Maria!
    fra Charles, FI

    PS: Lee, were you at the symposium Sursum Actio about two weeks ago at Notre Dame? Were you in the overflow room or in the main room?

  3. I was in the main room, after lunch on the first day.

  4. I am the brother with the (picture, not video) camera.

  5. Half of the forthcoming volume of the proceedings of the society for medieval logic and metaphysics (published with cambridge scholars publishing) is devoted to Scotus. It should be out some time in the next few months. Here are the relevant contents (the other half is on Maimonides' natural theology):

    On the Authenticity of Scotus’s Logical Works
    Edward Buckner

    Scotus on the Species of Quality
    Lloyd A. Newton

    Logic, Ontology, and the Psychology of Universals in Duns Scotus
    Cruz Gonzalez-Ayesta and David Gonzalez-Ginocchio

    The Semantic Unity of the Analogous Concept according
    to John Capreolus
    Domenic D’Ettore

    Can We Speak About That Which Is Not? Actualism and Possibilism
    in Analytic Philosophy and Scholasticism 155
    Lukáš Novák
