Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If one takes a look at the Scotus commission's website (they appear to have renamed themselves the 'Officina Scotista'), one will see an announcement for the festivities surrounding this year's celebration of Scotus' feast day November 8. One of the lectures is about the completion of the Ordinatio. There is only one volume left to go, and it seems they have finished it and will be unveiling it at the celebration. So lets raise a glass and salute the completion of their long labors. The first volume came out in 1950, based on work they had begun around 1938. So they've been at it a long time and deserve some props. I now expect Ave Maria university in Florida to establish a center of Scotistic renewal for the Church (which will of course require hiring 15 Scotists) and no doubt we will soon hear an announcement from Wyoming Catholic College that they are also setting up a center of Scotistic studies to aid in the production of the first English translation of the Ordinatio (with face-to-face Latin). Here's me starting to hold my breath...

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