Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Giraldus Odonis' Marian Miracle

G.O. is getting hotter these days, so this quote is probably well known. But for those who don't know about the circumstances of his conversion to the immaculatist position, here's the story:

Henrici de Werla Opera Omnia I, p. 93:

Sextum [miraculum], venerabilis doctor Giraldus Odonis Ordinis Minorum, cum semel diutius contra Virginem protraxisset, finito sermone missam suam devotissime celebrans elevatione corporis Christi facta eadem Virgo sibi praesentialiter apparens et speciebus panis ab altari sublatis torvo et crudeli oculo: "qua fronte, inquit, inique frater, corpus de me sumptum sumere vis, quam hodie verbis et factis voluntarie maculasti!" Ipse autem cum gemitibus petente veniam Eucharistia sibi reddita missam finivit et immediate ascendens pulpitum, quod in primo sermone contra Virginem praedicaverat revocans et miraculum longe referens, valde solemnem sermonem fecit.

The sixth miracle, the venerable doctor Giraldus Odonis of the friars minor, when once he had inveighed against the Virgin for a while, after his sermon was finished and he was devotedly celebrating mass, at the elevation of the body of Christ, the same Virgin appeared presentially and with the species of bread lifted from the alter regarded him with a harsh and stern eye: "With what face, wicked brother, do you wish to take the body taken from me, which today you have willfully stained with words and deeds!" He however with groans begged pardon, and with the Eucharist returned to him, finished mass and immediately ascending the pulpit, which in the first sermon he had preached against the Virgin, he retracted and for a long time related the miracle, making a very solemn speech.

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