Audivi quod quidam daemon in specie hominis cuidam diviti homini serviebat et, cum servitium eius et industria multum placerent homini, dedit ei filiam suam in uxorem et divitias multas. Illa autem omni die ac nocte litigabat cum mario suo nec eum quiescere permittebat. In fine autem anni dixit patri uxoris suae: "Volo recedere et in patriam meam redire." Cui pater uxoris ait: "Nonne multa tibi dedi ita quod nihil desit tibi? Quare vis recedere?" Dixit ille: "Modis omnibus volo repatriare." Cui socer ait: "Ubi est patria tua?" Ait ille: "Dicam tibi et veritatem non celabo; patria mea est infernus, ubi numquam tantam discordiam vel molestiam sustinui quantam hoc anno passus sum a litigiosa uxore mea. Malo esse in inferno quam amplius cum ipsa commorari." Et hoc dicto ab oculis eorum evanuit.
Aliquando transivi per quandam villa in Francia, ubi suspenderant pernam seu bachonem in platea hoc conditione ut, qui vellet iuramento firmare quod uno integro anno post contractum matrimonium permansisset cum uxore ita quod de matrimonio non paenituisset, bachonem haberet. Et cum per decem annos ibi perpendisset non est una solus inventus qui bachonem lucraretur, omnibus infra annum de matrimonio contracto paenitentibus.
Ecce quam pauci hodie uxoribus suis adhaerent fide et dilectione sicut instituit Dominus noster Iesus Christus qui est benedictus in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Ut autem de malitia filiarum Evae aliquid subdam, nolui sub silentio praeterire quod audivi de quodam iuvene, qui rogabat patrem suum ut ei duas uxores daret. Cumque vehementer instaret dedit ei pater unam, promittens quod in fine anni daret alteram. Illa vero adeo primo anno maritum afflixit quod non poterat sustinere sed mallet mori quam vivere. Cumque pater finito anno diceret filio: "Vis habere secundum uxorem?" respondit ille: "Si una me afflixit fere usque ad mortem, quomodo duas ferre possem?" Accidit autem in civitate illa ut caperetur maleficus et latro pessimus, qui multos de civitate illa spoliaverat et occiderat. Cumque cives convenirent et quaereret iudex a singulis ut quilibet consilium suum daret quomodo latro ille magis torqueri valeret, quibusdam dicentibus; "Distrahatur caudis equorum et suspendatur," aliis dicentibus: "Igne cremetur," ceteris vero consulentibus ut vivus excoriaretur, cum perventum fuisset ad illum qui malam habebat uxorem, respondit: "Date illi uxorem meam; non video qualiter ipsum magis affligere valeatis."
ouch. but hilarious.
ReplyDeletegood day! can i ask for translations of these texts?
ReplyDeleteI. About a devil who married a woman whose nagging he couldn't stand.
ReplyDeleteI've heard that a certain demon in the form of man served a certain rich man and, when his service and industry pleased the man a great deal, he gave to him his daughter and many riches. But she nagged her husband day and night and would give him no rest. At the end of a year he said to the father of his wife: "I want to go away and return to my homeland." To whom the father of the wife said: "Haven't I given you many things, so that you lack nothing? Why do you want to go away?" He said: "I want to go home any way I can." To whom his father in law said: "Where is your homeland?" He said: "I will tell you and not hide the truth; my homeland is hell, where I have never endured such discord and trouble as I have suffered this past year from my nagging wife. I would rather be in hell than to stay with her any longer." And having said this he vanished from their eyes.
I may or may not do the others later. No promises.
ReplyDeleteThank you sir! Thank you very very much for the translations Mr. Michael. I'm sorry I really cannot read latin texts. But sir, still can I please ask again for the translations of the second number?--the "De bachone qui pendebat in quodam villa". I need it sir that much.
ReplyDeleteIts ok sir. Its just that I really need to know especially the second one. Sir, please please try to do the second one.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you need it so bad? Anyway here it is:
ReplyDeleteII. About the bacon which used to hang in a certain village.
Once I passed through a certain village in France, where they had hung a ham or side of bacon in the street with this condition that, if someone wished to confirm with an oath that for one whole year after getting married he had remained with his wife such that he did not regret his marriage, he could have the bacon. And when it had hung there for ten years there had been found not one who could win the bacon, since everyone regretted having gotten married within a year.
Thank you very much again sir. Your help is very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI need it badly since this was related in our topic in my sociology class. I was assigned by my teacher to give a reflection about it and read it to our class. Thank you again sir.
Have a nice day!