Saturday, March 28, 2009

Speer on Ratzinger on Bonaventurain Historiography

From Andreas Speer, "Bonaventure and the Question of a Medieval Philosophy," in Medieval Philosophy and Theology 6 (1997), 28:

"My answer to these questions [how Bonaventure's works fit into the 13th century intellectual milieu] begins with the first collation of the Hexaemeron. The choice of this text may be surprising. In 1959, Joseph Ratzinger gave this text an interpretation that has stuck with it ever since: the Collationes in Hexaemeron are a kind of manifesto--the manifesto of an anti-Aristotelian, anti-philosophical, anti-scholasticim. Now, Ratzinger's interpretation reads like the reflex reaction of a certain kind of Catholicism, and the mislabeling of this text may be the single greatest cause for the overemphasis on Bonaventure's "anti-philosophism." This is a great shame, for in no other work does he give such a systematic and concise presentation of his general approach to philsoiphy, as one can see immidately in the first Collatio."

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