What is this that roareth thus?
Can it be a Motor Bus?
Yes, the smell and hideous hum
Indicat Motorem Bum!
Implet in the Corn and High
Terror me Motoris Bi:
Bo Motori clamitabo
Ne Motore caedar a Bo--
Dative be or Ablative
So thou only let us live:
Whither shall thy victims flee?
Spare us, spare us, Motor Be!
Thus I sang; and still anigh
Came in hordes Motores Bi,
Et complebat omne forum
Copia Motorum Borum.
How shall wretches live like us
Cincti Bis Motoribus?
Domine, defende nos
Contra hos Motores Bos!
--A.D. Godley
From the Bankolidaid:
ReplyDeleteCharmer virumque I sing, Jack plumigeramque Arabellam.
Costermonger erat Jack Jones, asinumque agitabat;
In Covent Garden holus, sprouts vendidit asparagumque.
Vendidit in circo to the toffs Arabella the donah,
Qua Picadilly propinquat to Shaftesbury Avenue, flores.
Jam Whitmonday adest; ex Newington Causeway the costers
Erumpunt multi celebrare their annual beano;
Quisque suum billycock habuere, et donah ferentes,
Impositque rotis, popularia carmina singing,
Happy with ale omnes-exceptis excipiendis,
Gloomily drives Jack Jones, inconsolabilis heros;
No companion habet, solus sine virgine coster.
Per Boro', per Fleet Street, per Strand, sic itur ad "Empire";
Illinc Conentry Street peragunt in a merry procession,
Qua Picadilly propinquat to Shaftesbury Avenue tandem
Gloomily Jack vehitur. Sed amet qui never amavit!
En! subito fugiunt dark thoughts; Arabella videtur.
Quum subit illius pulcherrima bloomin imago,
Corde juvat Jack Jones; exclamat loudly "What oh, there!"
Maiden ait "Deus, ecce Deus!" floresque relinquit.
Post asinum sedet illa; petunt Welsh Harp prope Hendon.
O fons Brent Reservoir! recubans sub tegmine brolli,
Brachia complexus (yum yum!) Jack kissed Arabella;
"Garn" ait illa rubens, et "Garn" reboatur ab echo;
Propositique tenax Jack "swelp me lumme I loves yer."
Hinc illae lacrimae; "Jest one!" et "Saucy, give over."
Tempora jam mutantur, et hats; caligine cinctus
Oscula Jones iterat, mokoque inmittit habenas.
Concertina manu sixteen discordia vocum
Obloquitur; cantant (ne saeve, magne policeman)
Noctem in Old Kent Road. Sic transit gloria Monday.
– Frank Sidgwick (early C20th)
V good i x-posted both of these here