Monday, September 1, 2008

A Glimpse of Spiritual Matter in the Fourteenth Century

For Michael, an interesting snippet from the Carmelite theologian Guido Terrena's (died ca. 1340) Quaestiones ordinarie q.2:

"Et ideo alii dicunt quod suppositum dicit compositum ex materia et forma; natura autem dicit formam. Sed istud est falsum, quia materia est de quidditate, natura rerum naturalium. Unde nihil differt per materiam. Item cum secundum communiorem opinionem et secundum philosophiam in angelo non est materia, tunc in angelo natura praedicatur de supposito, quod non est verum."


  1. Does Guido accept haecceitas then, or what?

  2. Kind of sounds like it, doesn't it. But in the other questions I read it didn't come up, and he tends to be pretty brief.
