Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ad nostrum qui

This is mainly a note for Michael, a propos our conversations at various times about Scotus and the "lumen gloriae". I was reading in an article by Nielsen today where he mentioned a number of people at Paris all disputed about this and were incensed by the decree by the counil of Vienne "ad nostrum qui", which while directed against the Beghards and other such groups does contain implications for scholastic theology. Specifically, it does seem to affirm the necessity of the lumen gloriae:

"Errores Beguardorum et Beguinarum de statu perfectionis"

5. Quod quaelibet intellectualis natura in se ipsa naturaliter est beata, quodque anima non indiget lumine gloriae, ipsam elevante ad Deum videndum et eo beate fruendum"

A critical edition of this council's documents is coming out soon, allegedly.

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