Monday, January 7, 2008

Promises, Promises

In light of recent (internet) events, I have decided to do a series of posts on Scotus's views of the univocity of being and the transcendental concepts, as well as predestination. So stay tuned, my loyal reader. I make no promises as to the when. I have exams to study for, and a conference paper to research and then write should I pass said exams. So don't look for much before March.


  1. I notice that "reader" is in the singular . . .

  2. Our stats have been down again as neither of us have been posting much lately.

  3. Hey, count me as your dangling plural "s" at the end of that R-word. Keep it up and let the stats be damned (and dammed?).

  4. Count me in as well.

  5. Ah, thanks guys. I really wasn't fishing for affirmation, I swear.

  6. Well, now everyone is present and accounted for.

    And I will say, seeing as both Mrs. Nielsen and I come from "JECKsonville, Flawda", and seeing as that city is, last I knew, the biggest city (land area wise) in the USA, I think we must count for an additional virtual reader.
